Check out the fun going on over at To Think Is To Create. You might even win the big prize. Although, I am just frugal and selfish enough to admit that I hope I win! I'm sure once you see the winnings, you'll understand why and be ever-so forgiving!
By way of reporting on Thanksgiving goodness, we had an AWESOME first Thanksgiving with our Li'l Empress home. We hosted the holiday here for 15 family members, ate
The weekend was spent with more eating, laughing, hanging out and relaxing with some of our oldest and dearest friends. I've mentioned them before. We met them shortly after we got married and have enjoyed 18 years of growing together with them. It's good times when you can hang out in your jammies almost all day with a family and not even feel more pressure to "entertain them." Good times, indeed.
And tonite? Yup. I took that super-di-duper fantasticalness and made my traditional left-over stuffing and turkey casserole with it. More deliciousness all over again. Oh the joy. Oh the groans. Oh the straining seams. Those are just my reactions! You should have heard the rest of The Gang. The sad thing is, I was wearing my stretchy lounge pants for dinner tonight. Ugh.
Come back again soon. I have an interesting and twisty-turny story to tell you all. An amazing tale and a gift that most moms of internationally adopted children never get to experience. Yes, that's a shameless plug to get you back. But I promise, it'll sooooo be worth the effort.
I'm glad you had a great thanksgiving! I'll eat stuffing any time of year, but I do love my family's version:)
Hey - great story - and believe we'll be back...but notes and all - share the stuffing recipe! Oh - and is it stuffing or dressing - or potato or potahto?
hugs to all ya'll
aus and family
I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving too. I love stuffing so please share the stuffing recipe.
Quit teasing us already and tell us the story! ;^) I've been dying to hear it or at least I think this is the story you keep hinting at.
LID 3/27/2006
Wearing my big pants to the treadmill..............
Thanksgiving was a killer for me this year............
Will you share the delicious recipe?????? I have a Christmas dinner to make in 2 weeks for 12 hungry boys :-)
Ok....I know it's gonna be something good, so please just tell us, would ya?
I love this picture of you two together - we certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year, don't we!!! Love, Regina
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