Baby BlueEyes actually broke two toes! There are several little fractures in the upper third of his big toe (crush type fractures) and a long one or two in the next segment of his toe. The second toe has a few long thin fractures in the top half of the toe. But they did NOT cast it (whooo hoooooo!) and he really only needs to buddy tape it if he feels the need for extra protection or stability. He's only got limits on his activity for today. He can even swim if he wants. Just no diving or cannon balls off the board. Yes, he actually asked the doctor this question. In all seriousness. He obviously was delirious from pain if he thought even for a second that I'd be letting him on a diving board any time soon. WhatEVER!
After today, he can proceed as he feels able. The bad news is that he has to miss his first Rangers' PowWow as it's just too risky to camp for th
ree days with 400 other boys and men. Ya think?! (Insert snarky tone here.) I must admit, I'm really glad the doc put the kibosh on that activity, instead of leaving it up to me! So we're crashing with videos and snacks this afternoon and I might just sneak in a nap. After I make a run for acetaminophen and ibuprofen, that is. . .
I told my sister-in-law on Saturday, "This parenting of boys is NOT for the faint of heart." I wasn't kidding.
Oh so awful! Hubby had broken a toe, can't imagine a child!! Hubby was split down the bone, but they didn't do anything.....except pain meds....
I'm so glad there's no cast! That would be awful! Now, you get to wait for the nail to fall off - yum!
I feel and hear your pain, only we have the cast. Hope he is feeling better soon. Our summer is kind of shot right now.
So exciting to see your daughters picture on the blog!!!!!
Ugh! Poor baby! I double fractured my big toe and a pinky toe after falling down the stairs 2 weeks post-partum with #1 so I am feeling his pain!
The parenting of boys is NOT for the faint of heart...that's an understatement! We had our own mishap on Sunday night. Our youngest boy may very well be the death of me.
I can't imagine how painful the toes are...ouch! Praying he feels better soon.
It's even more beautiful (all the ranges of blue and purple) in person!
I'm sure you know that those are not pretty pictures! I hope he heals soon!@
Nasty is, indeed a color. I don't think you're taking pictures of the toe is weird. one day - he'll want to look back at that toe and think, "WOW". *L*
I've spent the last 30 minutes catching up with Aidan's story. Wow. Isn't God fun! I pray continued favor over you and your family. Can't wait to hear what happens next.
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