Friday, August 10, 2007

Favorites Friday

It's raining today. Pouring, really. And it's dark and humid and hazy. But I'm rejoicing! I've been praying for a rainy day for about a week now.

I'm not complaining, but when you own a pool and its beautiful, blue shimmery-ness is staring you in the face daily, you almost feel guilty NOT using it when it's sunny and warm. Or hot and humid. Or oppressively hot and humid. Maybe it's just me - maybe I'm the only one who feels slightly obligated to get out there and take advantage of every possible opportunity to play and bask and hang with the kids. Maybe it's just because everyone keeps talking about summer's end.

But it's raining today and it's Friday! I don't even have to see the beautiful pool and its welcoming waters. It's too gray out to see any blue. I'm sharing my favorite things about rainy days today.

My Favorite Things About Rainy Days
  • Rainy day movies with the kids - complete with popcorn, blankets, pillows and drawn shades
  • "Day off" feeling, coupled with the "early weekend start" feeling on a Friday!
  • Slower pace, the day seems longer
  • Quiet classical music or smooth jazz fits the day perfectly
  • Chance to putter in the kitchen, sort piles of paperwork, or create a masterpiece for dinner
So I'm off to enjoy this rainy Friday with my kids. I'm thinking about running to Blockbuster for some old movies, and praying that it rains all day tomorrow too. Then The Boss can join the quiet, low-key fun!


The Landes Family said...

I am so glad that someone feels the way I do about the pool. We do have to go to the private pool we are a member of, but I still feel guilty if I am not there every day. I also pray for rainy days. I can get some things done when it rains. Thanks for visiting my blog. Our life changes hourly here at the house with only one little princess and 3 princes.

Kelli said...

I love rainy days! I always have. I love the snug feeling and the idea that you don't have to go out and do something because nobody expects you to.

Melissa said...

I realllly like to read or nap when it is raining...there are few sounds in the world as relaxing as the pitter pat of rain on the roof!

Anonymous said...

We've had a tremendous shortage of rainy days around here this summer so send some of that rain my way! If it rains, it's late evening or the middle of the night and it's just not the same.
We just spent the last two weeks being lazy, as if it were raining, but the kids have to get back on their school schedules this week. No more sleeping in and laying around all day. Trips to the pool, a day excursion on the Ferry to Cape May, NJ to visit the zoo, a couple more visits to the beach, finish my book, clean out one more closet...can we fit anything else in?? Oh, we're going to celebrate Kyrsten's birthday a month early so that she can have a pool party before it closes so preparing for that will keep me busy one day. Hair appointments, dentist appointments, school clothes shopping, golf...what kinds of things does your family fit into the last few days of summer? Am I forgetting anything?

Episode One said...

hey tracy! this is lauren gohde from curves...i am leaving a message to let you know that i have a blog now..YAY!! it's it out.