Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Knew?

Who knew that the mere mention on Tuesday night of a certain purple dinosaur's upcoming guest appearance on American Idol would incite such glee?

Who knew that a 15 second glimpse of said purple dinosaur would create such joy?

Who knew that this purple dinosaur would keep Li'l Empress from settling down at her normal bed time?

Not me, or I surely would have whisked her off to bed 15 minutes early!

"Belah" is Li'l Empress' speak for "Barney."
And for her big brother, Dr. D's real name.
Mmmm, I wonder about that . . .


Mariann said...

Thus one more reason to screen our kids' TV programs!!! Haha...that is so stinkin' funny!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Oh no! Let the torture begin...

Salzwedel Family said...

Oh my gosh...I love her enthusiasm. And when she excitedly hugs her daddy my heart just melted. Too cute!

Joan said...

^_^ so excited! I remember my mom telling me that I had to eat my egg yolks because Barney ate his.

Andrea said...

So fun to see these videos!