Saturday, January 23, 2010

Haiti: Adoption And Other Complex Thoughts

I've been trying all week to formulate my thoughts and feelings on the issues surrounding the devastating earthquakes suffered in Haiti recently. I've been poring over news stories, blogs written by folks well-versed in the complexities of International Adoption, and even some of the press releases from the State Dept. and offices at Customs and Immigration. I've gotten lots of questions from folks about "how to help those poor kids" and what we can DO besides send money. I don't even know what to say or where to start.

So, I'm sending you HERE.

(A bit of background for those of you who haven't been reading here long: next to Stefanie from Ni Hao Y'all, Tonggu Mommy is one of my favoritest rockstars in the world of International Adoption. You should read her blog, often. This post is super-informative, and many weeks I find tons of links and resources to help me understand more and more about the layers within the adoption community. Pretty frequently, I also find myself chuckling out loud over the hilarious stories and outrageous predicaments that find their way to her blog. All in a delightful, funny, sometimes sarcastic and even snarky tone. All in fun. All in great fun.)

But before you get hooked into all the fun stuff, seriously, head over HERE. It's really good stuff and if nothing else will help you understand the complex issues that the adoption program in Haiti is and will be facing in the months and even years to come.


Elissa said...

This is not an easy issue-- but we need to all stay focused on the fact that this may be a life and death situation for many orphans in Haiti. How long do we sit around and discuss the possible consequences while children die or are sold into slavery? Until the world no longer has a sense of urgency over what happens to Haitian orphans?

Before this crisis our family wasn't considering fostering a child, but now we would open our home to Haitian orphans so they could receive medical care and love, then be united with a family, bio or adopted, through the proper channels.

We are approved to adopt. We have been trained to care for children who have experienced loss. We have room. We can provide food, shelter, medical care and safety-- hard to find this combination in Haiti right now. What else really matters, in light of the alternative?

I don't think of myself as a savior on a white horse. There is only one Savior. But a defender of the weak? Sure. Someone motivated to help someone who can't help themselves? You bet. And I don't apologize for those designations, nor do I think the bio families of the many Haitian orphans would object to my motivations for caring for their children while they can't.

The Gang's Momma! said...

I agree with a lot of your thoughts Elissa. I think all of us in the IA community are (and will be) feeling that sense of urgency stronger than others when new news comes along.

And I would love to see some sort of interventions/respites in place (beyond the current "paroles" announced this week) that would allow folks who have been through all the hoops of the IA system to step forward and foster.

I am also concerned about the differences btw. foster training btw. states AND the differences btw. foster training and the procedures in place to adopt. I'm not familiar enough with the Hague changes to know if that would cover it all.

But I like that: "defender of the weak." It's a great way to sum up how we all feel and why we're all frustrated on one level or another with the process, or lack of; with the services or lack of; and with the actions, or lack of.

Not easy answers, any where we turn.

God's Girl said...

Your children are so cute. How many years apart are they?

We are just getting ready to start the process of adopting again from Russia for our second child. I love hearing about a child that God brings to their forever family.

Blessings to you,
