Friday, January 6, 2012

Can I Call a Re-Do?

Well, this week hasn't been AT ALL what I'd hoped it would be.... Knocked off my game by a nasty head cold, I've spent most of the week huddling up with a blanket, a box of tissues, and an editing project. Mugs upon mugs of tea have been consumed. Vicks has been rubbed. Sudafed has been my BFF. And while I've immensely enjoyed digging in to wrap up this particular editing project, I'm frustrated  that I've not been able to summon the energy to complete my new year's kick-off "mission."

I had this week off from child-care duties, kind of a bonus week of Christmas break. My lofty plans were to tackle some of the paperwork for the home-study prep for Mei Mei's adoption. And to dig in and tackle some of the little pockets of disorganization that exist here in The Gang's house. I figured, with Li'l Empress off to pre-school three mornings and nothing else on my calendar, the time frames would be just perfect. You know, a shot in the arm of cleaning and sorting without slaving away at it all five days of the new year. I had several drawer and a couple cabinets on my hit list, along with my dresser and closet lined up that I thought would fit the bill. Especially since they are locales that I can't really get to with extra little ones underfoot during the day.

So, I'm going to have to figure out another plan of attack for those areas.  I must be feeling better - I'm beginning to view those little pockets as terrorist cells lurking in the landscape of my home. That's always a good sign. And the paperwork?! Well, it's been warned. I'm coming for it, too.

I'm calling a re-do.

I hereby declare January 9th the new New Year.



Kevin, Jake and Violet said...

Thanks for dropping by our site. Jake is doing well. The surgery was successful, and now we are fighting keeping him from laughing so his lip won't stretch and affect scars. It is a losing battle! It's hard to enforce your child to not smile. Hope you are feeling better. Violet

Aus said...

HOORAH - way to go GM!! You can have a re-do - if you've felt as bad as my bride and I you've earned it!!

hugs - aus and co.

Anonymous said...

Coming by to check in you you! Glad to hear you are working on that HS! Woo-Hoo!

And sorry for your head cold. BLAH!

Sudafedness will be going to China with us ... just in case.

Hope you get that closet tackled. Worth thing in ours (we just tackled ours) was the dust bunnies. Oh my. They had definitely taken up residence and were quite resistant to being told they had to go.

Big hugs for a New Year filled with many blessings ... and nothing wrong with starting it a few days later. :)