Which brings me to one of the exciting happenings here: my Li'l Bro and his wife are cooking an Irish feast for The Gang tonight. All the supplies and recipes are in the fridge right now, and I'm trying my best not to peek. They left my adorable niece with me and Baby BlueEyes for a while, so they could squeeze in a lunch date, then they are taking over my kitchen and cooking away. As I'm sitting here, I can here Irish tunes being sung over my FIOS radio selections ("Songs Of The Season" has gone green today!) while the little cutie pie is babbling and giggling at BBE's antics.
Another exciting thing that's happening is GOTCHA Day for two of my blogger friends who are in China right now, bonding with their new daughters. You simply must head over to their sites to get a glimpse of these gorgeous little girls. And while you are there, please pray for them. These first few days are full of anxiety, high emotions and all the newness that comes with becoming a parent. But there's another whole element of leaving behind an old life and embracing a new one that few of us can fully comprehend or appreciate from their little spirits' perspectives. You can find their stories by clicking on the following two links:
Another exciting thing that's happening is GOTCHA Day for two of my blogger friends who are in China right now, bonding with their new daughters. You simply must head over to their sites to get a glimpse of these gorgeous little girls. And while you are there, please pray for them. These first few days are full of anxiety, high emotions and all the newness that comes with becoming a parent. But there's another whole element of leaving behind an old life and embracing a new one that few of us can fully comprehend or appreciate from their little spirits' perspectives. You can find their stories by clicking on the following two links:
Finally, I leave you with a popular Irish blessing. It's always been one of my favorites, as common as it is. It evokes memories of my Grandmother's kitchen and mental pictures of green, lush landscapes that bring my spirit rest and peace when I think on them.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I like that saying.......happy St. Patty's day!!!!!!!!
I just visited those two others sites and almost cried! Thanks for sharing.
I love the Irish Blessing.
I hope you have a yummy dinner!
That is wonderful!! Although I was coming over to see a post about you guys heading over to China. I can't wait to hear!!!
:) Love it!
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