Friday, January 13, 2012

The 3 P's {Purity}

If you are just popping by today and you didn't get the backstory of my 3 P's, I encourage you to head to yesterday's post (click here!) and check it out first. Hopefully, you'll read the other 2 P's, too. Truthfully, I was hoping for more discourse over these three topics... Are you lurking again?!

"Purity" sure is a hot topic in today's culture, isn't it? Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines "purity" as "the quality or state of being pure," and lists the synonyms of  "chasteness, immaculacy, innocence, modesty, and chastity."  Huh. Pretty big words. Pretty big concepts. And certainly NOT all directly related to the obvious definitions of purity that come to mind the nanosecond the word is uttered.  That's what stuck in my mind when the Lord gave me these 3 P's: "purity" is so much more than staying sexually pure and remaining a virgin until marriage. PURITY is a quality or a state of being. Keep that in mind as you track with me on this one.
Praying for Our Kids' Purity
Pray for your kids to carry a child-like faith and sweetness through all of their days. Pray that the innocence that brings you (and God!) such joy now, while they are young, continues to be a hallmark of their character. As our youth pastor's wife pointed out, we aren't praying for niavete. Rather, we are praying for the choice to remain innocent of the temptations to seek worldliness and "street smarts" that can lead to unhealthy choices and broken, painful consequences. Pray for a tenderness of heart that seems "other-worldly" when compared to our culture's secular understanding of innocence.
Of course, pray for your children to seek moral and physical purity in all of their relationships with others. But you can also ask God for a purity of understanding regarding the God-ordained roles of maleness and femininity. Pray for them to remain unscathed by the input of others that would seek to destroy or beat down the ideals of abstinence, virginity. Ask God to give them opportunities to speak of about the divine healing that  is available to those whose innocence has been stripped from them.
Pray for them to rise up and be a generation that honors and promotes God's plan for marriage and family.  Pray that they will stand strong in the face of the enemy's attempts to destroy the crucial foundations of our culture. Pray that they seek compassionate responses to the culture around them and act as agents of healing and restoration for those that desire to destroy what God created in the family and in the institute of marriage.
Finally, pray that they would see the world around them through the purity of the lens of The Word. Ask Him to give them eyes to see the things that He sees, the way He sees them, and be moved to speak as a voice of Truth and a seeker of justice for those who are oppressed or hurting or broken. Pray that their hearts be broken by the very things that break God's heart, that they be His hands, His voice, and His heart to the world in which they live. His heart beats with the ultimate purity of heart and we can seek God on behalf of our kids for that heartbeat every day.
Wow. I saved the biggie for last, didn't I? I know it's a potentially controversial conversation for the many different readers I have around here. But no matter. I believe that purity of heart is indeed something for which we should all be seeking God. What Scriptures can you share with us that would help us pray for our kids? I'm interested to hear your take on the topic and how you handle the conversation with your own gang.

1 comment:

Aus said...

Morning GM - I would have thought there would be a lot of chatter about these posts...and strange that I got Purpose and Purity on the same day - I call "shananigans" on bloggers part on that!!

Purpose - might we all have a vocation in life - or many! A vocation to a good and wholesome marriage, or single life. A vocation to your world - or at least your slice of it. A vocation to "pay forward" - with a little less interest about "what's in it for me" and a little more interest in "what's in it for others"! Thats a "purpose" driven life.

And Purity - not hard to find Scripture here - "Blessed are the pure in Spirit, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs!" Purity in terms of sexual life - sure - and those without it miss out on something. The relationship between a husband and wife certainly includes a sexual aspect - duh - but anyone who has experienced the comfort, fullness, contentment, I'm missing a word here - that completeness that a man and woman share with a full and committed relationship is a slice of Heaven on earth. If our kids see and know that - they will really gain something. But that "purity" extends in to many other things...I have something of a reputation in my professional life. If I say it I know it to be true. I may be mistaken - but I believe it when I say it (which that it were I was never wrong - but I am mere mortal!). I "tell on myself", I don't "do things", I have a reputation of integrity in all things. (I may be sounding prideful - and maybe I am - please forgive that up front - 'm kay?) That too is purity - and it MUST be payed forward. But - there is a pay back on that even in this life...if you live your life that way...then when it all hits the fan and the fingers are all being pointed at you - when you say "It wasn't me" - you will be believed by all who hear it.

They may still hang you on a cross - but in the fullness of time - the world will come to know...

Yeah - every day I pray for my children to learn to live their lives as good men and women - to live their lives in as Christlike a manner as they can...

But I pray too that I can...

And I pray that I'll be there to help them if they fall...

Great thoughts you've put forth - and you wonder why we love you guys?

hugs - aus and co.