Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad.

On Thursday morning we were so excited to get some updated measurements on our little Mei Mei, along with PICTURES!!!! The good news is that she has hair and it looks like LOTS of it, considering that just in October she was all but bald. We couldn't see any hair in the December update thanks to that little hat, but it sure is a happy sight to see now.

The bad news is that the update came just as I was sitting down to start the weekly bulletin early. Heh. I got so waylaid by those cheeks and those pretty little eyes that I never actually got around to starting the bulletin till after lunch. Good thing it was a light week regarding "new information" for the announcements.

Here's what kept me smiling through my tears most of Thursday... Happy tears. Then sad tears. Then happy tears again. I mean, how can you not be happy looking at this little face? But sad, too. When I think about how much longer it likely will be till we are united together forever. Ugh. Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad. It's a crazy train, I tell ya!

This weekend, she turns 20 months old. It's been five months of loving her from afar - and frankly, it's getting really old. We try really hard not to sound trite or whiny and repetitive, but man, we are READY! Ready to study her, learn her little quirks, shower her with love and smother her with kisses.


I'm pretty excited about tonight's activities here at The Gang's house. With our youth ministry, we are hosting a "Blankets for Babies" party. So far, about 18 women and girls are coming over to make "no sew" fleece blankets. We'll be cutting, knotting, and infusing love into every blanket we complete. All of the blankets will be donated to the orphanage where Mei Mei is waiting for us. To be shared among as many of the babies as can use them. I brainstormed the plan about a month ago, when the delay to our girl was really grating on me and I needed to "DO" something. (Yes, I'm one of THOSE... I don't sit still or wait patiently very well, I freely admit.).

I can't wait to see the love poured out on piles of fabric as we turn them into blankets that will warm their bodies. May the Holy Spirit be divinely deposited into each blanket, that HE fill them and warm them from the inside, too, with His comfort and love and hope.

See, now I'm crying again. My sinuses are taking quite a beating during this journey to Mei Mei!

Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad.


Reena said...

The Waiting is hard, Hard, HARD!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie! Glad you got some new pictures to tide you over a bit!

And how cool that you're doing the blanket thing. I make prayer quilts started out for kids with cancer and their siblings, and now I'm trying to figure out to what degree I can do that in the adoption world, too! It's something I love being able to do, especially when I nearly always know (at least from online) who they're going to and I can pray specifically over them. But really, whether I know who it's going to or not, or whether I know specifics of how I can pray for not, I love the symbolism in making them - the child is blanketed in love and prayers...and you guys are doing the same! What a gift!

Praying for you as you wait to be able to get to your Mei Mei!

Vertical Mom said...

Hang in, friend! Praying for supernatural peace. Seems like a lot of us need some of that these days.

Aus said...

Morning y'all - "It's a crazy train, I tell ya!"...maybe no truer (I hate that word) words have ever been spoken - but that "crazy train" is called adoption...from concept to completion - and there's really no greater joy!

hugs - and your daughter looks completely snuggable!!

aus and co.