Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Snapshot

Ni Hao Y'all

September is a big month for The Boss and I. Lots of reminiscing and remembering all the things that God has done in our lives through our adoption story. Two years ago today, we were wrapping up the biggest adventure we'd ever been on.  But we also knew that in reality that we were heading home to face another whole kind of adventure. Embarking on the transition from a family of 6 to a family of 7. Doesn't sound like much. But we thought that was big enough. That we had a handle on what was changing.

Turns out, it was a bigger deal than even we expected. Turns out, a lot more changed than just our numbers. Turns out, what we started with that trip across the world to embrace our Li'l Empress was just an itty bitty part of the trip that God has for our whole family. Turns out, once you get God's heart for "true religion" - it changes everything you thought you knew. Turns out, it changes you.

Our last night in China, two years ago today.
(yes, the date stamp was off, still on US time...)

We spent our last day packing, shopping,
packing, eating, and packing some more.

Here is the Li'l Empress, at 14 months old,
all dolled up for a morning of Shamian Island shopping.

Here is the Li'l Empress now, at three years old.
The girl still loves a morning out of the house to shop.
And still loves a good pair of glamourous shades!

And the changes are still coming. The adventure is still unfolding.

Link up to the Sunday Snapshot fun,
but please leave a comment here too!
I'll try to get around and visit if you leave me a comment!


Wife of the Pres. said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post!!!

She has grown so much and you are right, so have we! I could not agree more!

And now that we are a family of 7 too, oh my. The laundry and the love is endless!

Julie said...

Wow, two years! I remember reading your blog when you were in China. Time sure does fly. Both of our families have really grown over that time. Can't wait to see what God has in store for both of us in the future:)

3 Countries 1 Love said...

One of my little girls loves, loves, loves her sunglasses too!

Unknown said...

I can't believe it has been two years. She has grown and changed so much.