Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mei Mei's Life Verse

One of the things that I really desired to accomplish this January, aside from all the sorting and organizing I'm doing in my "Get Ready for Baby" mission, was to finally get a "life verse" nailed down for our girl. It's something that I did for each pregnancy with my older bio kids and the Lord gave me one for our journey to Li'l Empress too. While we were waiting for Li'l E, I actually also had a regular "playlist" of sorts - songs that ministered peace and hope and purpose to me while I was praying and waiting. So as we entered our church-wide season of prayer and fasting, I have been asking the Lord to give me a verse for my sweet girl and bring a song or two my way that would capture the essence of what this adoption means to me and to our family.

I had no idea that this month of focused prayer would be so incredibly meaningful in this journey to our girl. That I would NEED it to steady me and anchor my swirling thoughts and feelings quite so much. But He did. He does. I'm so grateful for that.

This particular journey to Mei Mei has been so different from our previous adoption, what with all the obstacles we've faced and the crazy busy pace of life that our home has now with 5 kids. I've been sorely distracted by it all (not necessarily in bad ways, just not as focused on the details of the process. Till now that is!). While that often helps with making the days fly by till we meet our Mei Mei, it doesn't help when I realized that I've yet to find a verse that I feel rightly characterizes this journey and how to pray for our girl.

Before all the "stuff" with our I800 approval blew up, I'd been spending time soaking in some of the new worship music I got for Christmas. Several of the songs really were ministering to me and so I sought out the verses from which they originated. And I wasn't surprised at all to see that it was a section of Scripture that I have long loved and relied upon. That I've quoted it here before. That it FIT.

"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness!"
Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV~1984)

And just like that, I've found Mei Mei's life verse. I feel sure that while it is of great comfort and sustenance to me right now in this hardest part of the long adventure we are on, He has a bigger purpose and a plan behind this urge He put it in me to seek these verses for each child. And now for Mei Mei in particular. I've seen it come to life in front of me over and over with the other kids and I can't help but think that it is a unique gift that He's letting me give to them, for now and for their future. (I'm kind of a big picture thinker by nature, can ya tell?!)

I'm excited about the couple songs He's led me to and I'm singing them over her in prayer daily. I'll share them with you later. In the meantime, why don't you share with me a life verse God's given you for your child? I love hearing the stories of how that happens for other families!


Beverly said...

Ps. 37:4-5
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord;trust in him and he will do this.

He did give me my desire - my sweet girl, I want her to know how to delight in Him and live a life that allows Him to bring all good things to her.

Love the verse you picked for Mei Mei too....

Aus said...

Brilliant choice for Mei mei - and I have to share with you that she's sharing the nickname with our youngest daughter - k?

But then again - what makes you think YOU picked that verse? ;) He gave it to you just like He gave you everything else...

But it was YOUR "stewardship" (well - and the Boss's too!) that brought His gifts to fruitfulness.

Which leads me to the verse "Well done, my good and faithful servent, more will be given unto you."

Kinda like the Scriptural version of karma - eh? And no - I won't get into the theme of how all the "sacred books" of all the different faiths can really be compared and seen as different "translations" of the same message - that's for another day! ;)

hugs - great joy for y'all -

aus and co.