Except, it wasn't monkeys. It was LadyBug and Baby BlueEyes. And they weren't jumping on the bed. They were jumping on a Spider Man bop bag. (Yes, jumping on it. Not bopping it.) On Wednesday night.
On Thursday, the school nurse called to say that she thought it might be smart for me to have LadyBug's pediatrician take a look at LadyBug's left wrist.
On Thursday night, we visited the very-cool Dr. A. He sent us for x-rays. The x-rays showed a buckle fracture of LadyBug's left radius.
On Thursday, the school nurse called to say that she thought it might be smart for me to have LadyBug's pediatrician take a look at LadyBug's left wrist.
On Thursday night, we visited the very-cool Dr. A. He sent us for x-rays. The x-rays showed a buckle fracture of LadyBug's left radius.
Baby BlueEyes was groovin' with some "Crazy Hair Day" action.
It's gonna take some serious shampoo to get out all that gel.
It was long a really long white toe sock for the hand.
I'm so blue I don't know what to do."
And that, my friends, is how I spent my Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.
The Gang by the numbers, so far:
15+ stitches
7 sets of x-rays
5 visits to the ER
3 casts
2 over-nighter's at the hospital
2 out-patient procedures
and one helicopter ride
Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
I hope.
We've had a cast -- Mini-Me's was pink. and her fracture was on the elbow. And it was from jumping the top bunk to the bottom bunk. :-)
We've had 2 stitches, 1 set of staples (ME!!), and 1 cast. *L* YOu've got us beat.
'famous last words...'
Never say never.
Ironically [and I don't want to alarm you but this is too good not to tell you..] my word verification below right this instant is "AMPUTO". I swear it. Cross my heart....hope to cry..stick a needle in my eye.. here I go, to type AMPUTO.
Wow!! I can't say I am jealous of your battle scars.
Have a very restful weekend!
Hope it makes you feel better- my word verification is chablea.
I guess it was a little understated that it is "smart" to get ye to the dr.
I've also noticed that the word verifications are getting to be more like actual words. Mine is mingsa. Much easier to type than the random ones!
Yikes, that's quite a list. Let the little gal know Aunt, Uncle and cousins are thinking of her!
Hi Gang,
We are sorry to hear about Ladybug's accident. Hopefully she's doing OK. We love the crazy hair pictures. I have to say how much I am able to relate to a previous post about being so scattered. I too cannot keep up with appointment times and schedules for all the kids. We have been thinking of you often. Hopefully Aidan's appointments went well. Bayley sends a kiss for her.
Take care,
Somehow I just don't thing that you are done yet!
Child #4 (from Korea) has 'joint issues' including being double jointed about everywhere. On the last trip to the ER for her (a third trip for 'nursemaids elbow') the ER staff notified children's protective at our local PD (I work with them about every day professionally), suspecting abuse. We all ended up having a good laugh and the nurse did a GREAT 'forensic interview' of our then 5 year old daughter! The doctor showed us how to 're-align' the elbow our selves to save us a drive across town next time - and they still tease me at work about the time.
We could cover them with bubble wrap - but they just wouldn't experience much!
Hope that it doesnt' hurt too much - and love the color!
aus and family
Oh my! I hope everyone is settling down. I'd be "done" too.
Well, at least the cast is that pretty blue color.
I hate it when things like that happen.
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