Belated . . .Saturday, the 17th, was the one-year anniversary of my adventures in blogging. I'm not up on the latest trend of celebrating such an auspicious event, and frankly, we were so busy opening our pool on Saturday that I didn't even remember the date till I dropped into bed at 12:30 a.m. (I was up late helping - hovering over?- Shaggy and his first real babysitting gig for the neighbors.)
Because it's only Monday morning and I'm wrung out from a long and crazy week and weekend, I'm going to take the easy way out and share this meme with you. I found it at
Ni Hao Y'all (another adoptive mom's blog that I follow). Maybe, if you've been a reader for the whole year, you'll actually learn something new about me. And if you had fun reading it, then consider yourself tagged. Here we go!
Favorite person (outside of my family)? My life-long friend Stacey G. She’s the friend who has been there through all the good, the bad, and the ugly and loves me anyway!
Favorite Food? Hot buttered popcorn.
Quirks about you? I have this weird tendency to develop harmless little crushes on celebrities – sometimes for no real reason and other times because they are just too darn cute. This mini-obsession is well-chronicled over the course of the year of this blog. And in my current side-bar . . .
How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? The Boss said, "Outgoing, purposeful, giving, prudent, worshiper, thoughtful, organized, creative." I know, he rocks.
Any regrets in life? This is oddly embarrassing, but I have a couple former boyfriends that I hurt unnecessarily when I ended our youthful romances. I’ve made amends to one, but there are two to whom I’d love to go back and apologize. I was immature, selfish and not at all Christ-like and it still sticks in my craw. I know – I need therapy, I’m sure.
Favorite Charity/ Cause? I love Compassion International. I’m also very passionate about any godly, faith-based organization that supports orphans, especially in China.
Favorite Blog recently? I am pretty addicted to Confessions of a CF Husband, and recently got my husband and sons hooked on Stuff Christians Like.
Something you can’t get enough of? Hugs and kisses from my Gang. Coffee with creamy sugar-free hazelnut creamer. Also well-documented over the course of this year.
Worst job you’ve ever had? Making donuts at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday mornings in the kitchen at Messiah College. I’m soooo not a morning person, and the hour was (IS) ungodly. Seriously, is God even awake that early?
What job would you pay NOT to have? I could never, ever be a cafeteria lady at any educational facility. The left-overs, the messes on the trays, the noise? Oh. My. Goodness.
If you could be a fly on the wall, where? The Rumor Queen’s office. I have no idea how this woman is so connected and so in touch with so many facets of the Chinese adoption program – I’d love to hear even just snippets of conversations she has with her sources. See, aren’t you curious now? It’s all so “Deep Throat” and CIA-ish for me!
Favorite Bible verse right now? Jeremiah 29: 11-14 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a HOPE and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”
Guilty Pleasure? My secret stash of Cheetos and the occasional Starbucks Chai Latte. Cheesy romantic comedies.
Got any confessions? Not that I’d share here!
If you HAD to spend $1,000 on yourself, how would you spend it? Probably on a diet/weight loss/training program to jump start me back on track. Maybe on some landscaping around the pool area instead.
Favorite thing about your house? My new bedroom. My front yard and the landscaping.
Least favorite thing about your house? My kitchen – cabinets, lay-out, flooring.
One thing you are bad at? Numbers and logic-related puzzles. Theology debates/discussions.
One thing you’re good at? Making my house a home. Decorating, hospitality, creating a safe environment for The Boss and the rest of the Gang.
If you could change something about your circumstances, what? Speed the adoption (and the fund-raising too) along so we can get on with the business of parenting and loving Aidan.
Who would you like to meet someday? Besides Aidan? Well, I’d love to meet Dr. Dobson and his family. Dr. Sears and his family.
What makes you feel sexy? Huh? What’s that?! Umm, newly shaved legs? The Boss’s cologne.
Who is your real life hero? Also documented here – My mom.
What is the hardest part of your job? The constancy of it. Ironically, it’s also a source of comfort for me: it’s always there, it always has to be done, and it rarely changes in its nature.
When are you most relaxed? Is it a bad sign that I really can’t answer that?! I'm not sure I remember what "most relaxed" feels like.
What stresses you out? Rushing, clutter, and repeating myself 100 times a day. Huh. That must be why I can’t answer the above question.
What can you not live without? Jesus. The Boss. Good intelligent conversation with adults, time with my family, coffee with creamy sugar-free hazelnut creamer.
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? Someone actually wrote an article about that? I had no idea . . . now I have something else to stress out about . . . . Gee, thanks.
Why do you blog? Mmmm, well, I have lots more to say than The Boss could possibly handle listening and responding to on any given day, so that’s one reason. Additionally, I have enjoyed the challenge of writing again, no matter how trite or trivial my subject matter. I love the sight of words on the screen and I kinda get high on the feeling of words and thoughts flowing out of my brain onto the screen. Plus, it’s a fun way to connect with others (old friends, adopting moms), keep up on current events, and learn from others. Really. I know, I’m a geek.
Who are you tagging? Anyone who had fun reading this can play!
New/Newer bloggers? Haven’t read any new ones lately . . . Suggestions anyone?
Bloggy friends? Kateri, Heidi at God's Grace In Practice and Bev at Happy In The Moment.
Bloggers you’d like to get to know better (or in person!)? Elissa at The Harrells. Plus, I just want to kiss her little sweeties’ cheeks off! Have you seen this child of hers? OY!
Bloggers who you don't think will respond, but you hope will? Honestly, I’m not answering this – I hate that pressure when I read my name in similar such places, so I won’t do that to you!
There you have it. Play along or don't.
But please be sure to leave a comment and feel free to speak up.
I'd love to hear more about you!!!