Monday, September 24, 2012

It's MONDAY!!!!!!

Oh, I woke up so ridiculously early. I was disoriented and foggy for at least the first 20 minutes, laying there trying to figure out what would rouse me even before The Boss was moving.

OH. Yeah. It's Monday! This could be THE Monday.

And I've had this sense of weight and anticipation since then. I've been creating a big To Do list in my head ever since, finding things all scrambled and jumbled in my mind and trying to bring order to the thoughts that are swirling.

I need to list the awesome new "big ticket" items to Cr@igsl!st that were donated over the weekend for my on-going online selling.

I need to print up and post the family calendar.

I need to update the inventory of the existing yard sale site and get some of those big ticket items cross-listed.

I need to make a "game plan" with Shaggy for the final days of wrapping up his To Do list.

I need to keep praising and praying in the midst of it all.

I REALLY need to start thinking of a bloggy handle for this little one. I am not fond of using their real names here, and though it's certainly no secret who we are, I like capturing little names that tell a bit of who they are.  What do you all think? Maybe I should start a bit of a contest.

I need to think about an event for my 1,000th post.  It's coming up soon and I want to do something fun for that, too.

Hmmmm, I hope this all keeps my mind busy today.... In addition to all the regular every day Momma stuff I get to do for my Gang, that is!

1 comment:

Aus said...

Yeah right - with 'the list' coming out last night or today like you'll have time to think of anything else? Praying our collective hearts out!!

hugs - aus and co.