Every year, my father-in-law carves ornaments for the kids.
Each ornament is a kind of "living history"
documenting the kids' current interests and hobbies.
This year, as with every year,
he totally nailed it for the littles!
will be adorning our tree and surreptitiously
scoping the area for signs of
the evil Dr. Doofenschmirtz.
I feel much safer now.
Big sister Candace will be keeping an eye
on the hijinx of younger brothers Phineas and Ferb.
Just like LadyBug does!
And! Kai Lan! will make sure that all her
super! duper! friends! are
Super! HAPPY!
(Isn't that reaction by Li'l Empress PRICELESS?!)
And don't worry, none of the moms keep
it truly wordless every week :)